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Hello, I am Carine

I was born in France, and moved to Sydney Northern Beaches about 20 years ago, working in the corporate and public sector. In recent years, I had the opportunity to develop Wellbeing, Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging initiatives in the workplace. This opened my eyes to the stress and struggles that modern life throws at us from all directions: work stress, burnout, conflicts in relationships, community or lack of belonging, lack of motivation or purpose, feeling stuck, mental or physical health issues, or the impact of natural disasters.


I have also had and overcome my own struggles, been practicing Yoga for over 20 years, and teaching Yoga and meditation for about 5 years now, in local yoga studios in the Sydney Northern Beaches. In 2020, I opened The Beacon Hill Sanctuary, and over time, added other forms of therapies, such as Yoga Therapy, EFT Tapping, Reiki, and Donna Eden Energy Medicine, which I have been very fortunate to learn from masters and integrate into my own practice.


I know from experience that those ancient techniques can enormously help one navigate the stressors of a modern, busy and fast-paced lifestyle, poor diet choices or strangled relationships. They can help you release physical, emotional and mental stress, so you can start living a peaceful, loving and fulfilling life


This is my wish for you. And it will be my honour to be in your corner, and support you in your own and unique journey.

Certified Yoga teacher - Qi Manly, since 2017
Certified Ryoho Yoga therapy - since 2024
Certified EFT Practitioner - EFT International, since 2022
Certified Reiki practitioner - Okuden Level 2, since 2020

My story

Born on French Reunion Island, I came to Sydney 20 years ago, lived a "normal and comfortable" life: a good job, a young family, busy long days, some strained family relationships from childhood, developing aches and pains from ageing.

Wasn't it what was happening for everyone else?


And yet, something was missing ... 

Six years ago, it all spiralled down. I found myself at the peak of recurring states of depression, anger, feeling stuck into old patterns and overreacting to triggers of daily life, overall life dissatisfaction and lack of purpose. Physically, I was also suffering from headaches, back and shoulder pain, digestion issues, insomnia and regular colds and flus, which sounds like common things to have in this day and age.


I sought help in ancient wisdom, and from teachers who've also been there before.

In the midst of this midlife crisis, I turned to mindfulness, yoga, breathing techniques and meditation from teachers from the Satyananda tradition, then Japanese meridian-based Yoga therapy and macrobiotics with Andrzej Gospodarczyk (Ryoho Yoga), Reiki energy healing with Reiki master Prudence Proctor, EFT Tapping with EFT master trainer Alison Monaghan and Energy Medicine with Donna Eden.


I will be forever grateful to the masters and teachers who have shared ancient knowledge and practices, and have taught me that there is a way towards inner balance and harmony.


And I experienced profound shifts and improvements in my health and wellbeing.

I have not had a cold for years, my lower back pain has disappeared, and my digestion has improved. My body is stronger and more flexible, and I feel more focused, clear, and calm. I am better equipped to handle daily situations without overreacting. I have also cleared a lot of stress, unhelpful mindsets, and patterns, and have healed strained relationships. Most importantly, I have experienced profound shifts as I feel a deeper connection to a greater purpose, Nature and its laws, and a deeper compassion towards living beings.


My mission now is to spread the word...

on how effective and transformative those tools are, and I would be honoured to support you in your own and unique journey.

Mountains Meet Lake

My philosophy

Yes, we can all cope with life stressors and conditioning and still feel okay, surviving another day.


But how about thriving instead of just surviving?

Because we can and we're meant to thrive, to move towards optimum health, free ourselves of emotional burdens, so we can give back to others, our loved ones and our community, with all our focus, strength, love and creativity, without limits.


There is no better time than now to change direction.


At the Beacon Hill Sanctuary, I will share with you the knowledge and experience I have gained over the past 10 years, and support you on your journey of self-discovery and self-healing, so you, too, may also experience profound changes.

We can heal and evolve on many different levels, knowing that all the work we do is interrelated:

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Yoga Therapy

Helps you identify imbalances in the body, mind and energy, using ancient wisdom from India, China and Japan.

Selected yoga postures will help you restore balance, as well as suggested meditations, lifestyle and nutrition changes.

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EFT Tapping

Tapping on acupressure points helps you release stress and unhelpful emotions which can also translate into limiting beliefs or physical pain. This is an essential part of the work, for anyone who would like to achieve greater balance and stability on a physical, emotional and mental levels.

Reiki Treatment


Works directly at a energy level. Reiki energy (also Qi or Prana) will travel to where you need it the most. It helps to awaken your body's innate ability to heal, leaving you feeling profoundly relaxed and restored.

To me, those three ancient techniques complement each other extraordinary well. They will help you release physical, emotional and mental stress, so you can start living a peaceful, loving and fulfilling life


This is my wish for you.

And I would be honoured to support you in your own and unique journey.

That was a lot about me.

Now I'd love to learn more about you !


Please get in touch.


(+61) 419 616 358


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